Previous studies performed in Apuseni Mountains, concerning the use sustainability of Arnica resource, have emphasized the need to create an efficient training program for harvesters and landowners. Thegoal of training is to raise locals’ awareness (landowners and harvesters) regarding oligotrophic grasslands with Arnica and the sustainable use of inflorescences resource.
The landowners are trained regarding the sustainable management of grasslands when the maintenance and use measures are detailed. The recommended management is an improved alternative to the traditional one.
The harvesters are trained, before each season starts, on the sustainable harvest of inflorescences resource. In order to complete this training, the locals’ children are provided with information regarding the biologic features of the species, various notions of the ecology and biodiversity of the natural systems in order to inspire them with the wish of nature protection and conservation.
The materials used in the training process are: special manuals concerning harvesting, management of Arnica montana habitats, posters, flyers and power-point presentations. Besides these materials, the results of the studies undertaken in the area and consultancy services are put at locals’ disposal.
The contact with locals is kept also in winter, when interviews are conducted with the harvesters and landowners in order to evaluate the harvesting season, to identify and solve the problems, respectively to establish the strategies for the next year. The locals’ involvement in the strategy of sustainable use of the resource contributes to the growth of its sustainability level, improving, in the same time, the constituent processes.